57% of Middle School Parents Refuse SBAC Testing at the Sherman School

Sherman, Conn. (Citizen News) – Last week, Dr. Michael Pascento, Sherman School Principal, officially confirmed the updated refusal rate percentages for the new Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) exam. The Middle School breakdown for Grades 6 through 8: 57% of parents refused testing for their children this spring. As for the Grand Total for Grades 3 through 8: 48% of parents refused testing for their children, making this an 8% overall increase from the last reported number of 40%.

These statistics are an update to the feature article: 40% of Parents Refuse SBAC Testing for Their Children at the Sherman School. Susan Zeitler, Mom of Two and a Local Grass Roots Activist, Knows Exactly Why…

This is the first year at the Sherman School where the SBAC test results will count. Dr. Pascento said the Sherman School anticipates receiving the official results in the Month of July.

The Citizen News would like to hear from parents about their children’s positive and negative test-taking experiences once the SBAC test results become available.

The dates the SBAC testing took place at the Sherman School:

Grades 3-5

March 23 – 24: Language Arts

March 26 – 27: Math and Language Arts

March 30 – April 6: Language Arts and Math

Grades 6-8

April 27 – 29: Math

May 4, 6, 8: Language Arts

Written by Alicia Sakal, Citizen News Journalist.

Photo by Peter, Testing Times Ahead, Flickr.com.